High School
Type of Programs
Classroom, Other
GWC Clubs are free extracurricular programs for 3rd-12th grade girls that teach participants about Computer Science (CS) in a fun and safe environment! GWC Clubs take place throughout the year and serve as a place (in-person and virtual!) for girls to spend time together while learning about CS and building their confidence.
Template or Direct Join
Direct Join, Sponsorship
Small Team Friendly
Team Size
At least one facilitator - Anyone can start a Club - no coding experience needed! Girls Who Code provides comprehensive resources and support to help you run a successful Club. The facilitator must be at least 18 years old and pass the GWC background check.
Time Commitment
2-4 hours to plan and host sessions each week.
Clubs are hosted through non-profit locations, such as schools, libraries, and community centers. They are led by volunteer Facilitators, who use the curriculum and resources provided by GWC on the GWC learning platform. The curriculum includes GWC Tech Spotlights, self-guided tutorials, interactive activities, flexible meeting guides and more. GWC provides a GWC staff member dedicated to your Club, webinar training, and a help team to support you at every step. GWC also provides posters, email templates, social media copy, and swag to help you promote your Club and recruit members.
Once you're ready to apply you can get started by filling out a Clubs Application!
The application should only take about 15 minutes to complete. After you submit the application, you'll receive instructions about to complete background check requirements via email. You'll hear back about your Club status within a week.
Once approved, you'll receive a unique Club Code, which will give you access to our learning platform, HQ, and all of our training resources.
If you recruit additional volunteers to serve as Facilitators, you'll share that Code with them so they can use it to join your Club. Once the Club launches, Facilitators will share the Code with members so they can sign up for HQ as well.